Animx 2022

The video above links to the full playlist of VODs for the 2021 Animation Exchange - a fully online 3-day extravaganza. Here’s the blurb from the original post:

It’s coming! March 22nd, the day of Animation Exchange 2022.

We’ve been busy behind the streams prepping and we have another action packed day of animation talks streamed for free over on our AnimState Twitch channel! We’ll be going live on March 22nd 9am-5pm PT with talks, panels, Reel Reviews and the return of an old favorite, AnimXTREME Hotseat Showdown 3000! So make sure you follow us over on Twitch to watch the live stream and also subscribe to the Animation Exchange channel on Youtube where we will release the VODs!


Animation Exchange 2022 Intro!
8:50-9:00 AM Pacific Time

Lana Bachynski (Senior Animator, Riot), Ju Li Khaw (Senior Animator, Arkane Austin) and Mike Jungbluth (Animation Director, Bioware)

AnimXTREME Hotseat Showdown 3000 ’22
9:00-10:00 AM Pacific Time
Lana Bachynski (Senior Animator, Riot Games), Elena Tchijakoff (Senior Technical Animator, Bioware), Alejandro Potter (Animator, Respawn), Lindsay Thompson (Senior Cinematic Animator, Insomniac), and Richard Oud (Gameplay Animation Director, Guerilla Games)

In the return of a fan-favorite panel, three incredible industry animators demonstrate their skills as they work together to animate a single scene within the time allotted — all while sitting in the hotseat. While the time is ticking, our hosts ask the contestants rapid-fire interview questions that vary from the practical to the absurd.

Steamroller Roundtable: The Challenges Of Original IP
10:05-11:05 AM Pacific Time
Jalil Sadool (CEO, Steamroller Animation), Aaron Gilman (CCO, Steamroller Animation), Adam Meyer (Chief Design Officer, Steamroller Animation), Ben Rische (Head of Story/Creative Supervisor, Steamroller Animation)

While many studios have wonderful stories that they are eager to share with the world, developing Intellectual Property can be a strategically complex undertaking for any young studio. Steamroller’s Roundtable Video discussion highlights some of their leadership team as they walk through Steamroller’s own IP creation process. Steamroller Animation is currently producing Spice Frontier, an animated episodic as well as a video game, Curse Of The Deadwood.

The Reluctant Tech Animator
11:15-11:45 AM Pacific Time
Aslak Helgesen (Animator, Rain Games)

Aslak shares tips for one of the hardest things he learned while being an animator at an indie studio: Rigging in Blender! Learn from his struggle as he takes us through some things he discovered while MacGyvering himself some rigs. He swears most of his tips even worked!

Spacing: The Implied Animation Principle 
11:50-12:20 PM Pacific Time
Gregory Marlow (Freelance Animator for various studios and Assistant Professor at East Tennessee State University)

Spacing? What is it? Why do animators keep saying that word?? In this talk, Greg Marlow will show where the concept of “spacing” has been hiding in the 12 principles of animation and why you need to be thinking about it more while you animate.

Steamroller Q&A: Steamroller Animation Leadership
12:25-1:25 PM Pacific Time
Josh Carroll (Head of Art, Steamroller Animation), Aaron Gilman (CCO, Steamroller Animation), Amanda Renfroe (Co-Head of Animation, Steamroller Animation)

Making characters move is one thing, but what does it take to guide that vision? Josh, Aaron and Amanda are here to answer your questions about the challenges of leading a studio!

Ship It! A Production Story
1:30-2:30 PM Pacific Time
Simon Unger (Principal Animator, Sony Santa Monica), Skyler Slater (Producer, Steamroller Animation), Caroline Livingstone (Performance Director, Humanoid Studios), and Jon Schutts (Executive Producer, Sumo Digital Ltd)

In the AnimState 2021 Survey, 43% of the animation community said they were fearful of production issues. In this panel, we tackle common production problems head on with some experienced producers in the industry!

Panel: Animation Directors
2:35-3:35 PM Pacific Time
Emily Katske (Animation Director, Heart Machine), Harvey Newman (Animation Director, Undisclosed Project), Kristjan Zadziuk (Animation Director, Lucid Games), Mike Jungbluth (Animation Director, Bioware)

What is it that animation directors do all day? We have gathered together a group of animation directors to discuss exactly that. Let’s get into the reality of what it takes to become an animation director and what to expect when you become one. 

Riot Games: Demo Reel Reviews!
3:45-4:45 PM Pacific Time
The Riot Animation Team (Animation Team, Riot Games)
(Skylar Surra, Tyler Anthony, Brendan Russert)

Here’s the time to get some professional eyes all over that beautiful demo reel of yours! Some members of the RAT take us through what they’re looking for when they look at a demo reel. To submit your reel for review, please upload your reel to SyncSketch and then use our Demo Reel Submission Form.

We look forward to seeing you at Animation Exchange 2022 on March 22!


2022 AnimState of the Industry Results


Animx 2021